Last weekend I put an emergency test shoot together, everything was so last minute that I didn’t know who my model was till about midnight before the day of the shoot.
Phoenix Martins is a star for helping us model on the day, you are amazing girl. My other team members were my ever lovely wife Segs and one of my regular talented make up artist Anne Duncan. I am so grateful for all your help. We used Zsofia Webers collection for a black Phoenix idea (the models name was Phoenix ………….get it ……………. Oh forget it). The Black Phoenix is a code name for our model Assassin. These are rough retouches, more to come in the coming weeks.
something a bit arty
On to something different;
The new TV seasons are back and shows have started to creep back onto our TV. Thank the Lord for Sky plus, this weekend I will be catching up on a few shows; Eastwick (dammit they cancelled it so it’s the last episode), Dollhouse (another awesome show that has been cancelled, American networks are brutal), Heroes, Modern Family and Glee (yea that’s right, I’m becoming a Gleek, no thanks to my wife …………….what can I say the show is awesome).
The final season of Lost will be starting next month WOOP WOOP. Stargate Universe and Smallville are also coming back ………………………. Geez this is becoming too much TV. Sometimes I find my inspiration as a photographer comes from the kind of shows I feed my mind with. As you can see from my list of current shows, quite a few are fantasy and sci-fi based.
Lost is awesome and this is an amazingly well lit poster
A recurring theme is most of my work is that element of mystery and fantasy with touches of symbolism. We are all influenced by what we feed our minds, meaning I probably live in a trippy fantasy filled limbo or is that the drugs. For the next year I am hoping this element and feel in all my images to pull together a more consistent body of work. Oh well we’ll see………..
Have a nice weekend