Friday, 21 January 2011

#22: Seeing red in the countryside

Today I am putting up something different. I have always enjoyed shooting landscapes but with a slight difference  with an infra-red camera. About 2 years ago I converted my old canon 350D camera into an infra-red camera to try out some infra-red photography. My camera was completely converted which was done by a professional as there is a bit of tinkering that happens on the inside close to the sensor. There are actual tutorials online on how to do this but since I have butter fingers, I wasn't going to push my luck.

The problem with infra-red photography is that exposure and metering are quite different from normal visible light exposure. Also it's always best to shoot in sunny days, to create great contrast and depth. Shooting in overcast and dull weather just comes out looking crap even with post production.
After the images are on camera I download and tweak the colours and presto.

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