Monday, 31 January 2011

#24: FAB elements

FAB elements

I am still developing as a photographer and I think I am just beginning to find my voice. For the next year I am working on my photography voice which I think requires a lot of attention to really develop as an artist. One of the things I love shooting is fantasy, anything to do with extraordinary people, special people and the unreal. My motto in my photography is shoot what you enjoy shooting and have fun, shoot the things which interest you.
The first editorial I did for FAB was based on the african mythos of the mami water (mermaid)
My next editorial was inspired by the Last Airbender story which M Shyamalan wrecked last year  :(
(That's an arguement for another time). You can already tell that I might just be a fanboy ........... but a cool one, well I think anyway. ;)
My missus and I always wanted to create a fashion story based on the Airbender world. I approached FAB magazine with the idea of creating a fashion story based on the four elements with a model representing each of the elements. My wifey put the styling ideas and looks together using some fresh and emerging designers from London. She did an amazing job on this shoot, gosh I am lucky dude to have someone that talented.


yole jones said...

Love it. Segun's atyling has come along in leaps and bounds. xx

Jendella. said...

Absolutely love it!!

Love the styling too!

Mr Quadosh said...

These look great!